Sega vs. UbiSoft: Fight of the Slogans!

While collecting press kits and little trinkets I came across something that both surprised me and angered me. As you can see by the picture on the right hand side UbiSoft was giving away this odd mechanical stress relievers. Not like a normal stress ball, but like a cheaply made mechanical stress reliever. But it's not the contraption that had me perplexed. Instead it's the oddly worded slogan on the top. It reads, and I quote, Play to the Next Level. This sounds vaguely like Sega's slogan from a few years ago ... Welcome to the Next Level. And so this got me to think ... I wonder what Sega has to say about this. So I asked Sega rep Anthony Chau who laughed it off. He commented that UbiSoft is just down the road from Sega, and must be getting their influence from Sega's garbage. This seemed a bit suspicious to me, so I figured I'd head on over to the UbiSoft booth and see what they thought of Sega's comments. I told the UbiSoft rep that Sega had accused them of breaking into Sega's trash and stealing from them. The UbiSoft rep officially had "no comment" regarding these allegations. Unconvinced that I was getting the full and honest truth, I decided to take a look around the UbiSoft booth and see if this theory held up. And you'd be surprised with what I found. For example, replace one word of ShadowBane becomes ShadowRun, the poorly received Genesis game published by Sega. Or there's Ray Man, who is can be Vector Man. And the list goes on and on and on. I'm still not convinced UbiSoft is telling the public everything they know about stealing from Sega, but then, maybe that's for the best. No, it IS for the best. I wonder what next years slogan will be?