I Heart Elevators: Top 20 Lifts in Brawlers!

Going up?
I love elevators. Yeah, I know it's a silly thing to say, but think about how convenient they are. Before elevators we were forced to use the stairs and we spent all of our load times looking at a black screen. Elevators rock!!

To honor these mechanical marvels, I've decided to make a whole video gushing over some of my favorite elevators. But I'm not talking any old lift. This list is all about classic 2D beat-em-ups at the height of their popularity. I'm talking about 1989 to 1994, back when Final Fight and Streets of Rage were allowed to become trilogies. For a fighting game it was about more than transportation, it was a confined space with enemies lurking everywhere. See for yourself as we count down the Top 20 Lifts in Classic Beat-Em-Ups!

After 1994, the classic 2D brawler became a thing of the past. Several companies tried to keep it alive, but gamers moved on to Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Halo and Call of Duty. Still, from time to time you see modern brawlers play the elevator card. A perfect example is , WayForward's divisive XBLA/PSN game. It's easy to see why this trend persists, but one would hope that developers would find more clever ways to implement elevators into their titles.