Power-Up #1: Turkey Dinner (Final Fight)

It's the time of the year when the days get shorter, retailers stay open longer, big games are released and there seems to be a holiday every other week. Defunct Games wants to ring in this festive season with a look at back at some of video gaming's most questionable power-ups. Join us from November 28 to December 25 for a month of floating orbs, life extenders and special cloaks. Welcome to the first day of the 29 Questionable Power-Ups of Christmas!
Turkey Dinner
[ Game: Final Fight | Year: 1989 | Console: Arcade ]
Haggar, Cody and Guy are on a mission: Jessica has been kidnapped and it's up to these three unlikely partners to clean up the streets and save her from Belger. Apparently all this action goes down on Thanksgiving, because our heroes are constantly running into fully-cooked turkey dinners.

Purpose: Much like the hamburger, grapes and steak, Final Fight's turkey dinner is there to replenish our health. These items can be found throughout Metro City, though they are curiously located inside trash cans, barrels and other unconventional objects. Why would somebody put a turkey dinner in a barrel? No matter who put the prime rib in the crate, you probably shouldn't be eating it.

Turkey Dinner (Final Fight)
Turkey Dinner (Final Fight)
Legacy: Final Fight is not alone when it comes to using food as health items. Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding find chicken in Streets of Rage, which can also be said about a number of other old school beat-em-ups. You will also find turkey in the Final Fight sequels, which are currently available on the Virtual Console.

In Real Life: Think twice about eating turkey that has been sitting in a strange garbage can. If you decide to risk it, you'll likely be disappointed to find that it's not the health boost Final Fight would have you believe. In fact, there's a good chance you'll pass out on the couch and be good to nobody. Maybe it's just preference, but a big turkey dinner is not what I would eat right before going into battle.