Power-Up #17: Skull Item (Bomberman)

It's the time of the year when the days get shorter, retailers stay open longer, big games are released and there seems to be a holiday every other week. Defunct Games wants to ring in this festive season with a look at back at some of video gaming's most questionable power-ups. Join us from November 28 to December 25 for a month of floating orbs, life extenders and special cloaks.
Skull Item
[ Game: Bomberman | Year: 1989 | Console: NES ]
Run for your lives, because Bomberman has entered the building! Now here's a guy who isn't known for his self-control. Instead of simply working out his problems, the White Bomber opts for explosions and mayhem. Things get dicey when he picks up the skull item, as you'll see from today's episode of the 29 Questionable Power-Ups of Christmas!

Skull Item (Bomberman)
Skull Item (Bomberman)
Purpose: Some will argue that this is one of Bomberman's "power-down" items, as it's specifically designed to screw you up. Instead of speeding him up or making him stronger, this skull item makes it so the White Bomber uncontrollably drops explosives. This is bad for a number of reasons, but the main one is that it puts you in immediate danger. This is just one of the many dangers of being Bomberman's buddy.

Legacy: The skull item (as well as other so-called power-down items) is a mainstay in the Bomberman series. Many have learned to accept its place in the franchise, even appreciating how it can screw up their opponent. The best thing you can say about the skull item is that it's easily avoided.

In Real Life: You know who never gets invited to parties? The pyromaniac who can't controls his bombs. In the real world, Bomberman would be a nonstarter.