Power-Up #24: Diet Food (Metal Slug)

It's the time of the year when the days get shorter, retailers stay open longer, big games are released and there seems to be a holiday every other week. Defunct Games wants to ring in this festive season with a look at back at some of video gaming's most questionable power-ups. Join us from November 28 to December 25 for a month of floating orbs, life extenders and special cloaks.
Diet Food
[ Game: Metal Slug | Year: 1996 | Console: Neo Geo ]
Leave it to Metal Slug to make me feel bad about my weight gain. It's true that Americans (along with the rest of the world) have gotten bigger, but I'm not sure if this 2D action game has the right solution to the problem. Find out how Metal Slug suggests you lose weight in this brand new episode of the 29 Questionable Power-Ups of Christmas!

Diet Food (Metal Slug)
Diet Food (Metal Slug)
Purpose: Uh oh, you've eaten too much food and gained a bunch of weight. Join the crowd, buddy. You could always eat smaller portions and exercise, like your doctor recommends. Or you can do what Metal Slug suggests, which is to eat nothing but diet food. This power-up is so effective that our hero drops 100 pounds from just one bite of the diet food.

In Real Life: Whatever you do, don't take Metal Slug's terrible advice. Billions of dollars are spent each year to sucker people into buying "diet" foods, many of which do not work. The fact is, many so-called healthy alternatives are made from corn and other ingredients that actually make it harder to lose weight. As depressing as it is, your best bet is to eat better foods and be more active. Get out of that chair and move around. This may mean putting the games down for an hour a day, but isn't it worth it to be able to see your feet again?