Power-Up #25: Yoshi (Super Mario World)

It's the time of the year when the days get shorter, retailers stay open longer, big games are released and there seems to be a holiday every other week. Defunct Games wants to ring in this festive season with a look at back at some of video gaming's most questionable power-ups. Join us from November 28 to December 25 for a month of floating orbs, life extenders and special cloaks.
[ Game: Super Mario World | Year: 1991 | Console: Super NES ]
Is Yoshi a power-up or a power-up? As it turns out, he's both. Still not convinced? Then I recommend you check out today's episode of the 29 Questionable Power-Ups of Christmas. In this episode we determine if a power-up has to be an inanimate object, or if it can be a living, breathing cartoon dinosaur.

Yoshi (Super Mario World)
Yoshi (Super Mario World)
Purpose: Yoshi is more than a power-up; he's also a good friend who is capable of flying and spitting fire. In Super Mario World, our hero rides Yoshi through colorful fields, lava-filled castles and even underwater stages. Yoshi can eat enemies and poop out colorful children with new powers. All this helps Mario beat Bowser once again.

Legacy: From his introduction in Super Mario World, Yoshi has been a mainstay in the Mushroom Kingdom. You've seen him excel in sports, platforming, puzzle solving, and even kart racing. And just in case you're not sick of hearing about the dinosaur, Nintendo recently announced a brand new Yoshi's Island game for the 3DS.

In Real Life: If Yoshi was real, there would be no debate over whether it's a character or power-up. The consensus would be that Yoshi the dinosaur is a monster and needs to be locked up. That is, assuming the beast is captured alive. I've seen this movie play out too many times, and it never seems to work out for the dinosaur.