Christmas NiGHTS (Sega)

Going Rate: $40 - $45*
What's Up: Oh sure, you may have NiGHTS for the Saturn, but do you have this Christmas mini game? Distributed ONLY to Next Generation (and other Image Publishing) Magazine subscribers, Christmas NiGHTS features snow, Sonic, and even freezing cold weather. And the surprises don't end there. A photo gallery, information, and tons of useful extra features are packed into this rare CD-Rom as well. It may be short, but it's packed with replay, and more than a few
secret surprises. (Editors Note: We even did a Defunct review of Christmas NiGHTS, now that you mention it).

How Cool Are You: Why is this baby so collectable? Two words: Low Readership. Now don't get me wrong, Imagine Publishing was able to find homes for all Christmas NiGHT copies. It's just that there were so few Sega Saturn readers, and many copies went the way of the AOL disc (in the trash, that is). Who knows how many remain, but I'll tell you one thing, this puppy is well worth picking up.

*Prices for games and collectibles has been known to fluctuate wildly. What's more, this article was written in 2001, so any number of factors could sink or improve its value. I hope you enjoy the article, but hope you won't take the prices too seriously.)