Snatcher (Konami)

Going Rate: $60*
What's Up: Who would have thought that this little adventure on the Sega CD would be so sought after almost a decade later? Could it be the great story? Could it be the so-so voice acting? Could it be the numerous connections to Blade Runner. Nope ... it's the Metal Gear!! In this day and age of everything Metal Gear Solid 2, Snatcher brought us a little robot named the Metal Gear (that is referenced in numerous Metal Gear Solid games). Plus there was a limited run on the Sega CD game (and
no other versions released in the U.S.) ... leading to a major collectable for any and all Konami, Metal Gear, or Sega fan.

How Cool Are You: Well, for people who like Metal Gear Solid, you'll be nothing short of a star. This game may not be anything like Metal Gear, but the character alone is enough to keep most gamers interested. Plus the game is very interesting ... no matter what, you're preference of video games. But let's face it, the game is nowhere to be found now, and with few gamers even interested in searching, if you can find Snatcher you'll have something spectacular.

*Prices for games and collectibles has been known to fluctuate wildly. What's more, this article was written in 2001, so any number of factors could sink or improve its value. I hope you enjoy the article, but hope you won't take the prices too seriously.)