Nintendo Power Pad

Going Rate: $15*
What's Up: Not satisfied with simply releasing a light gun and a robot, Nintendo set out to revolutionize the health care market with the Power Pad. Problem was that only two or three games actually worked for this huge accessory. Many have been
thrown out over the years, and now in this pop culture world it's come back in style. And everybody loves Dance Aerobics, okay, maybe not.

How Cool Are You: Okay, okay ... it's not the coolest accessory in the world, but it's big enough to hang over a window. Your friends probably won't mind getting a chuckle out of a few laps of World Class Track Meet, and you might even work up a small sweat, only to be followed by more pizza. Regardless of how you use the Power Pad, it's one thing that not easy to find anymore. It's a fantastic novelty toy, and worth every dollar.

*Prices for games and collectibles has been known to fluctuate wildly. What's more, this article was written in 2001, so any number of factors could sink or improve its value. I hope you enjoy the article, but hope you won't take the prices too seriously.)