Xband (Catapult Entertainment)

Going Rate: $20*
What's Up: Before Sega Net and the Dreamcast there was a little device called the X Band, a handy peripheral that when hooked to your Super NES or Sega Genesis you could play some of your
games online. Oh sure the games were laggy, and the true internet experience was a ways off, but the X Band would prove to be the future, just about a decade too soon.

How Cool Are You: Not very cool anymore, I'm afraid. But this little buddy will impress any old school gamer interested in taking their Genesis or Super NES online. Okay, they don't work anymore, but it did, and that should impress them enough, right? Right!

*Prices for games and collectibles has been known to fluctuate wildly. What's more, this article was written in 2001, so any number of factors could sink or improve its value. I hope you enjoy the article, but hope you won't take the prices too seriously.)