SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters Clash 2 (SNK)

Going Rate: $45*
What's Up: This is the last game for the Neo Geo Pocket Color made by SNK, and even though it's completely in Japanese, it's still accessible to those Western gamers familiar with the original. This collection of almost 500 cards is simply amazing, with new graphics, better battling system, and compatibility with the Capcom vs. SNK 2 Dreamcast game. Get a friend and you'll be able to
spend entire days locked in the attempt to find out who has the best deck (and management skills). No matter what, SNK vs. Capcom 2 kicks Pokemon's ASS!!

How Cool Are You: Considering that few gamers will ever see this, and how familiar the SNK and Capcom characters are, I would say you would be might cool!! Especially if you picked it up for your friends. But be warned, the game was released only weeks before SNK closed their doors, there aren't a lot of copies of this game available to the public. That only improves the value of the game. It's something you really MUST own, too, it's fantastic.

*Prices for games and collectibles has been known to fluctuate wildly. What's more, this article was written in 2001, so any number of factors could sink or improve its value. I hope you enjoy the article, but hope you won't take the prices too seriously.)

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