2006/08/19 - 20060820

August 20, 2006 Review - Game Gear
Review: Vampire: Master of Darkness
It's time to grab your trusty weapon and head out to slay a certain vampire named Dracula. No, I'm not looking at you Simon Belmont. This isn't some Castlevania game, it's Vampire: Master of Darknes...

August 20, 2006 Review - Sega 32x
Review: Metal Head
With a name like Metal Head it has to be good, right? Nope, according to Tom this 32X game has enough flaws to keep it off of the recommendation list for a long time go come. Even if you're int...

August 19, 2006 Review - Game Gear
Review: Caesar's Palace
What fun is it to gamble with fake money? Apparently it's not much fun at all because Caesar's Palace sucks. At least that's what Winston thinks of it! Here's a game full of Vegas games but fl...

August 19, 2006 Review - Sega CD
Review: The Secret of Monkey Island
It would be easy to make jokes about what that "secret" of Monkey Island is. But I'm not going to do that, I'm not here to tell you some stupid jokes about this point and click adventure game. Nope,...