November 2006

November 30, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: Gears of War

Forget The Legend of Zelda and Resistance: Fall of Man, Gears of War is easily the biggest game of the year. It may not be the longest game of the year, but you'll hardly notice when you experience t...
November 29, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: The Godfather: The Game

Is The Godfather: The Game on your list of games to get this holiday season? In an effort to get as many reviews out of the way before Christmas Defunct Games is proud to present Cyril's take on...
November 28, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: Gangs of London

There are a lot of great games you could be buying this holiday season; unfortunately Gangs of London is not one of those games. This is a slightly older game that we're just getting to now. Why thi...
November 25, 2006 Review - TurboDuo

Review: Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu

With Jackie Chan on the box you know it has to be good, right? Unfortunately this game doesn't offer any of the amazing stunts that Jackie Chan is known for. In fact, if it weren't for his name...
November 25, 2006 Review - Sega Saturn

Review: Croc: Legend of Gobbos

Chad is back with another Saturn review. This time he takes a look at Fox Interactive's 3D platformer, Croc. Is this game the next Super Mario 64, or is it more along the lines of Gex? And wha...
November 24, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: Saints Row

Want a Grand Theft Auto experience on your Xbox 360 but don't want to wait for October 2007? You're in luck, because THQ has published an open-world game that actually manages to get everything ...
November 23, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: Bully

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. It's a day for families, food and the massive slaughter of turkeys. So what better way to celebrate this happy holiday than with one of the best games of the year?...
November 21, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: Gitaroo Man Lives!

What's that you say? It's time for another review? Well I couldn't agree more, and that's why we're bringing you our take on the recently released Gitaroo Man Lives! While this is hardly ...
November 16, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: Final Fantasy XII

Few would argue that Final Fantasy XII is one of the most anticipated games of 2006. With a complex story, deep characters, crazy mini-games and 100 hours of game play, Square Enix's newest RPG may j...
November 15, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: LocoRoco

It's a sick day around Defunct Games, and that means we don't have a show lined up ready to go. But we still want to offer something to read so why not take a look at our review of LocoRoco for the S...
November 14, 2006 Reviews au Courant

Review: NFL Street 3

It turns out that the third time is not the charm. NFL Street 3 takes a good idea and throws it into a blender. But you don't have to take my word on it, find out what Dan Clarke thinks when you rea...
November 14, 2006 Reviews au Courant

Review: Sonic the Hedgehog

It's only natural to root for Sonic the Hedgehog. When Sega first introduced the world to their popular 2D platformer, everybody fell in love with his attitude. Unfortunately these days we're forced...
November 14, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: Juka and the Monophonic Menace

In our newest review we take a look at Juna and the Monophonic Menace. Don't be turned off by the confusing name, Juka proves to be an exciting sprite-based adventure game for the Game Boy Advance. ...
November 12, 2006 Review - TurboDuo

Review: Super Star Soldier

It's about time we got around to reviewing Super Star Soldier, one of the best games released on the TurboGrafx-16. What finally prompted us to review this game? Believe it or not, it's the Nin...
November 12, 2006 Review - Dreamcast

Review: F355 Challenge

How much fun can a game be when you're only driving one brand of car? Would people still be excited if it was the Geo Metro Challenge? I don't think so. But for some odd reason everybody ...
November 11, 2006 Review - Dreamcast

Review: Dynamite Cop

It's the game you've been waiting for, the sequel to Die Hard Arcade. Okay, so it's not really the game you've been waiting for, chances are you've been waiting for something like The Legend of Zelda...
November 11, 2006 Review - CD-i

Review: Marco Polo

Ever wish you could take a journey with Marco Polo and bring back a bunch of spices? Of course not, because you play video games and can do whatever you want. You can go into space in Asteroids...
November 09, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Disappointed by Street Fighter II on the Xbox Live Arcade? Yeah, me too. But so what, we have a brand new 2D fighter to download. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 proves to be one of the best download...
November 07, 2006 Reviews au Courant

Review: Guitar Hero II

Dan Clarke pulls himself away from the dancing long enough to pretend to play guitar. What does he think of Guitar Hero II? Find out now when you read his full review of this exciting new PlayS...
November 07, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: Lumines Live!

It's Election Day all around the country, so now that you've done your civic duty why not sit back and relax with Cyril's review of Lumines Live for the Xbox 360? Does this Xbox Live Arcade titl...
November 05, 2006 Review - Dreamcast

Review: Illbleed

It's yet another survival horror game for the Sega Dreamcast. But don't think that Illbleed is yet another Resident Evil clone, this game actually has a strange "Reality TV" theme running through it....
November 05, 2006 Review - Game Gear

Review: Arena: Maze of Death

It's Arena: Maze of Death, the Game Gear game we made fun of a couple months ago in The Cover Critic. Chad brings us his take on this crazy, Shadowrun-esque shooter. Is the game play better than the...
November 05, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: Mortal Kombat: Deception

If you can forgive some sloppy controls and a few other hiccups you'll find an entertaining fighting game that manages to set itself apart from the competition. Throw it an online mode and a bunch of...
November 04, 2006 Review - Game Gear

Review: Halley Wars

When it comes to 2D shooters on the Game Gear you really don't have that many choices. We've already talked about the disappointing Aerial Assault, so now it's time to see what Halley War is all abou...
November 04, 2006 Review - Dreamcast

Review: Confidential Mission

Defunct Games would like to introduce you to our newest staff member, Josh Dollins. He's here to help us out with a few Dreamcast reviews, starting with Sega's very own Confidential Mission. Is this...
November 02, 2006 Reviews Au Courant

Review: Rule of Rose

For our Thursday update we pull the blinds back and look at a Resident Evil clone that tries really hard, but just can't come up with any scares. It has one of the best intro cinemas of all time, but...