September 2010

September 09, 2010 Defunct Games Vs.
Defunct Games vs. The PlayStation Launch
Episode #7 - Defunct Games Vs. (Ep. 7) - Fifteen years ago today Sony released their first game console, the PlayStation. Thanks to a hip ad campaign and games targeting older players, Sony captured the hearts an...

September 08, 2010 This Week in Defunct Games
This Week in Defunct Games - September 8, 2010
Episode #149 - Last week I complained about the lack of Neo Geo content on the Virtual Console. I guess next time I will need to be a little more specific. This is Samurai Shodown III, the obvious sequel to one of...

September 02, 2010 Level 1
The Legendary Axe (Level 1)
Episode #13 - Level 1 (Ep. 13) - It's time once again to press start and play through Level 1! This week we look at The Legendary Axe, the game that was supposed to put NEC's TurboGrafx-16 on the map. It didn't, ...

September 01, 2010 On Running Feuds
The Virtual Console is a Terrible Friend
Episode #173 - On Running Feuds (Ep. 173) - We all know that the Virtual Console sucks. Nintendo has been uploading fewer and fewer releases each week, to the point where it's a genuine shock to actually see a clas...