Street Fighter: Movie Collector Cards - Advertisement Review

Do you remember how exciting the Street Fighter movie was? How sad you were when Jean-Claude Van Damme was snubbed for an Oscar? How you always had to explain to your friends how cool the movie was without any visual aides? Well those days are over ... because now you can collect all of the Street Fighter: The Movie trading cards! Oh wait, what's that? You don't remember enjoying the movie and hated Jean-Claude's acting? Well tough, because we have some trading cards to talk about!

Don't get confused, these Street Fighter cards are not part of a larger game that you can play with your friends. This is not Pokemon or Magic: The Gathering. These are trading cards; they just have pictures and information about the movie. They are a complete waste of money ... and they are kind of boring, too. This type of thing might be fun if the cards had any chance of going up in value, but again, we're talking about little cardboard advertisements for Street Fighter: The Movie.

Obviously this isn't the first movie to get its own set of trading cards. If you look hard enough you can find cards for everything from Free Willy to Xena. Not that you would want to look, if this is the type of thing that appeals to you then you might want to have that looked at. All these Street Fighter: The Movie cards do is help illustrate the divide between the terrible movie and the outstanding video game series. They show our World Warriors with guns and in stupid poses. If this advertisement appeals to you then you will buy just about anything.

FROM: Rockstar: Bad Advertising