Crime Wave on PC - Advertisement Review

Some commercials just have too many stupid things to talk about. The more you stare off at its terribleness the more bad things spring to mind. Crime Wave is that kind of advertisement. It's a game that almost wallows in the fact that it features every terrible clich? in the book, and fails miserably to make any of them look very cool. Crime Wave is one of the worst advertisements I have ever seen, but I'm not afraid to say that it's so bad that it might actually be pretty cool. Stare at its cheesy brilliance; I'm telling you, this may just be my new favorite advertisement!

What's not to love? You have this greased up, unshaven dude who thinks he looks cool when he sports the sunglasses at night. Buddy, you aren't Corey Hart, and those shades are about ten sizes too big for your face. Then there's the damsel in distress who isn't smart enough to realize that she's surrounded by a ton of cash, drugs and guns. Woman, if you can't figure out how to use the guns and spend the money, then get off the drugs and quit bothering me. And then there's the doped up guy yelling as fire erupts behind him. I don't have a joke here, but I sure do love that look he's giving us.

My absolute favorite part of the advertisement comes when the advertisement tells you that it offers "real sound." It doesn't offer any of that fake sound that tricks you into thinking you heard something. On no, this is the real sound, the kind of real sound only the cheesiest crime game can give you. But seriously, if that woman can't escape when there's all that money and those loaded guns, then maybe she doesn't deserve to be rescued after all.

FROM: The Many Loves of Bad Advertising