Empire Deluxe on PC - Advertisement Review

These days war games are a dime a dozen, but that wasn't the case back when New World Computers was peddling their strategy game, Empire Deluxe. But while Call of Duty and Medal of Honor like to dwell on the ultra-violent aspects of a world war, Empire Deluxe is content with showing you the happy-go-lucky skirmishes. This advertisement clearly gives us a glimpse at the happiest day of the war, where there wasn't a cloud in the sky and everything was so peaceful. Sure there are battleships in the water and jets overhead, but this is the kind of day where all you want to do is sit back and have a few drinks while talking about hooker you got with while on shore leave. It's a great day to be at war.

There's something about this advertisement that fails to deliver the urgency that is war. Perhaps it's the little kid soldier having a good conversation on the phone. You can almost hear him rattling on about his day to his mom, why should he worry that there are people on the beach getting ready for an all-out assault. He's too busy swapping cooking advice to pay attention to the jets and the tanks and the subs. And it's not like his superiors are any different, one appears to be reading a map and the other brought his opera glasses to see everything up close. There's no doubt about it, these three soldiers have the best seats in the house.

But this is about more than just talking on the phone and watching other people work, the bullet points on the side tell us that this is about having an "Advanced Scenario Editor" and "Various Difficulty Settings." My favorite reason to buy this game is the final reason, because it's "Completely Re-Playable." Re-playable? As opposed to how most games erase all the data on the disc when you beat the game so that you can never play it again? I'm pretty sure that all games can be "Completely" replayed, who is going to stop you from starting your game over again?

FROM: Let Them Eat Bad Advertising