Tommy Tallarico Greatest Hits - Advertisement Review

If you've listened to Radio Free Gaming (Defunct Games' very own MP3 podcast) you will already know that we aren't afraid to make fun of G4's Tommy Tallarico. Between giving low scores to games he's barely played and attempting to single-handedly run the first video game channel into the ground, Tommy Tallarico is proud to talk about his many years of working in the video game industry. Well gang, next time he tries to impress you with his many years under his belt, just remember that this advertisement is part of what he's talking about.

Tommy Tallarico is not the most attractive man -- he's a little dopey looking and awfully short - but this picture is a laugh riot for way too many reasons. Maybe it's his sunglasses, that seem to be just a little too big for his tiny head? Or maybe it's that mullet he's sporting? Or perhaps it's that Letterman's jacket, which makes him look more like a member of the New Kids on the Block than the bad video game reviewer we know and love. Nah, it has the be those ripped up pants - something he seems to have on both the CD cover and this advertisement. Maybe it's a combination of all of these things, but whatever it is, there's something about Tommy in this picture that just screams ... virgin.

But the real reason we're including this advertisement on the page is because of that album cover. With the green planet in the background and the extreme lean-back, Tommy Tallarico's album could not be any funnier looking if it tried. What is that big speaker plugged in to? Why is he leaning back so far? Who in their right mind would buy this compact disc? I fear for a world that has too many volumes of Virgin Games Greatest Hits. They'll put just about anything on CD, won't they?

FROM: The Late Show with Bad Advertising