Flipfull on Game Boy - Advertisement Review

Let's face it; it's hard to make a 2D black and white puzzle game look hip. This is especially true when you're forced to compete with big macho action stars, zombies and dragon slayers. Making a 2D puzzle game sound exciting may be tough but it's not impossible, just look at what Q Entertainment did with Lumines and Meteos. Unfortunately Flipfull was released long before anybody figured out how to market a 2D puzzle game, because this Taito advertisement is one of the worst I've ever seen.

So let's forget for a minute that Taito has made up a stupid new word, the problem with this commercial is that it lies to you. On the left side of the advert it says that if you "knock out enough cubes before the clock runs out you'll be a winner." Unfortunately nobody that looks at this commercial is a winner. That's right, you and everybody else that has click on this picture already knows that when it comes to Flipfull we're all losers.

Don't believe me? Just take a look at the upside down moron at the top of the advert. It's bad enough that Taito figured they could put some dumb looking kid in the ad and it would make Game Boy owners all over the country run to their local game store, but couldn't they have at least found a kid with good fashion sense. He's wearing neon green socks for crying out loud, you simply can't be cool with neon green socks. And that's completely ignoring those flip glasses, when I see somebody with flip glasses I just want to walk over to them and punch them in the nose. On second thought I'm fine with this kid hanging upside down, because it's only a matter of time before gravity takes hold and he lands flat on his head (and breaks those ugly ass flip glasses)!

FROM: America's Got Bad Advertising