Aura Interactor - Advertisement Review

Without even looking at this advertisement I knew that this would be perfect fodder for Commercial Break. How did I know that? Am I psychic? Do I have a sixth sense? Nope, I just know how terrible the Aura Interactor was ... and anything that bad can't have a good marketing campaign. And wouldn't know, this completely unnecessary device is sporting an obnoxious advertisement that will only appeal to those kids who think that MTV is too slow paced. This is the Interactor, a vest-like device that you wear in order to "feel" the music and sound effects. Sound lame? Trust me; it's even worse than it sounds!

But as bad as this accessory is, this advertisement is actually worse. You know you're in for a bad commercial when you see everyday objects used to replace letters. You think it's bad when people substitute numbers for letters, well that's nothing compared to a knife as a "T" or a space ship representing an "A". It's bad enough that you want to put on a vest that will make you feel the rumble of a gunshot, but do you really need to have a skull and a jet represent the alphabet? I mean come on, if you're the type of person who enjoys having the sound of bullets actually hit your chest then chances are you can't read and these shapes and symbols mean nothing.

Actually, forget the advertisement for a minute. Sure this is a stupid commercial; it's a big cross hair with a kid in the middle. But the problem with this advert isn't the words or the stupid "Cold War" talk that we see at the bottom of the page. Instead the issue is that this is just a stupid device that was ill conceived. I understand why people like rumble in their game controls, but are there really people out there asking for a device that you strap on to your body to make your entire chest shake? How will you know when you're having a heart attack? What if there's an earthquake? What's next, a game accessory that gives you a headache?

FROM: America's Got Bad Advertising