3DO Video Game Console - Advertisement Review

There are a lot of reasons why the 3DO never made a dent in the video game market - the price, lack of high quality games, a bad control, etc. - but for my money, this commercial may have just been the straw that broke the camel's back. Nobody likes being called names, yet the 3DO company didn't care about that. If this commercial was intended to make 3DO look like heartless jerks that don't care that other people have differing options, then they got the job done. But if this was intended to make you buy one of their game systems, then you probably took one look at the page and moved on to a preview of Aladdin.

This commercial is all about a test they "supposedly" performed that had 9 out of 10 people agreeing that the 3DO was a superior product to whatever else they let them play. According to the advert they asked these test subjects about the graphics, sound, and "bitchin-ness of play." That's right, "bitchin-ness." I can only imagine that the 3DO worker got a lot of blank stares when they asked about the 'bitchin-ness of play."

But, as the advertisement states, one out of ten did not agree. And since 3DO seems to believe that it's either their way or no way at all, that person needs to be ridiculed, made fun of, and generally made to feel bad about himself. He needs to be called a "blithering idiot" just because he preferred the Genesis or Super NES, or whatever it was they put up against the "best" of the 3DO line up. But since almost none of us bought a 3DO back when this advert came out, wouldn't that make us all "blithering idiots?" I can only imagine what kind of bad press Microsoft would get if their ad campaign was, "only losers are going to wait for the PlayStation 3." Unfortunately for 3DO, 9 out of 10 Defunct Games viewers agree that this advert sucks.

FROM: The Late Show with Bad Advertising