Gaiares on Genesis - Advertisement Review

Gaiares (pronounced Guy-R-Us) is one of the all time best 16-bit games of all time, it was praised by critics around the world and set a high water mark for 2D shooters that would not be matched for many years. But Renovation, the makers of Gaiares, were not content with letting GamePro and Electronic Gaming Monthly speak for them, they went ahead and found the stupidest looking guy they could find, tossed a red shirt on him, and had him hold up a couple of magazines. There is no point for this guy being in this advertisement, it's completely pointless and turns what could have been a great advert into something so bad it ended up in this Commercial Break section. But as stupid looking as he is, and I'm assuming the people who took the photo made him look as good as possible, I wouldn't change him being there for the world.

It wasn't enough just quote EGM; they couldn't just do what everybody else does - so screenshots, have some artwork, etc. It's almost as if people wouldn't have believed those reviews if it weren't for this rosy-cheeked loser telling us that he happens to agree. Well good for you buddy, I think the world pretty much agrees that your mullet hairstyle is just about the stupidest thing they have ever seen in a video game magazine. Get a haircut dude, you're making all of us other "Professional Gamers" look bad! It would be one thing if it was just a small mullet, the type you might get if you haven't cut your hair for a few months ... but that bad boy is down to his shoulders; back at the trailer park I wouldn't be surprised if he was crowed king!

Unfortunately for this buck-teethed freak Renovation didn't have too many other critical hits, which meant that Jamie Bunker, "Professional Gamer," would have to go back to collecting food stamps. Oddly enough this is not the first time we've commented on bad looking hair in a Renovation advertisement, we made fun of the Valis-wannabe in our very first episode (The One With the Bad Advertisement). It's easy to just blame the time period, but there was never anything cool about a mullet. Perhaps it was this mullet guy who we have to blame for Gaiares' poor sales. Mullet guy, you make me so mad!

FROM: Who Shot Bad Advertising? (Part Two)