The Space Adventure on Sega CD - Advertisement Review

Wonder why you've never heard of the Space Adventure? Could it be because it has one of the most generic names of all time, a title that seems to be named after its genre? Perhaps it's the fact that it was on the Sega CD. Or maybe, just maybe, this commercial turned so many people off that they decided to boycott the Space Adventure and just about every other space adventure after it. Think I'm wrong? How well did the most recent Metroid Prime sequel sell?

The Space Adventure (more specifically, this Space Adventure) suffers from more than just an instantly forgettable name. It stresses beautiful women, brave space pirates, and outrageous adventure. I'd say the only thing outrageous about this game is that they expect the "beautiful women" to fight in their bikini. These are women up against space pirates, shouldn't this woman be wearing more than this to a battle? This is a commercial that stresses how beautiful these women are, but really, how beautiful do you think they will be after a fight? Perhaps the beach volleyball outfit wasn't the best idea after all.

But what confuses me more than anything are the weapon choices. The skinny blonde wisely chooses the big gun, it looks like that could take down a space pirate or two ... but what about those times when you're out of ammo, or you need some close range action? Well, it looks like she's brought her fancy glowing Pocket Rocket, which seems a little out of place. But then, when you're wearing practically nothing, perhaps holding a small phallic-shaped device makes sense in a strange, 40-year-old virgin kind of way.

FROM: Bad Advertising: The Next Generation