Wolfenstein 3D on Super NES - Advertisement Review

Do you remember Wolfenstein 3D? It was the computer game that effectively created the first-person shooter genre. It was a great game, one of the first titles that allowed you to exact revenge on Hitler and the entire Third Reich. Ah, those were the days, before EVERY first-person shooter was about taking down Nazis in World War II. But this commercial doesn't want you to remember the terrible things that happened at Auschwitz, making this Wolfenstein 3D advertisement the first game commercial to actively distance itself from the atrocities at those concentration camps.

Gone are the swastikas, gone are the guardians of the Nazi death camps, gone are the extras from Schindler's List. In this commercial the Nazi's have been completely removed, and in their place is a rainbow assortment of people who are less offensive. For instance there's that black guy that's getting shot. See, that's not offensive. Forget that there are a couple of white guys right next to him ready to cap your ass, you and I both know that this black guy needs a half dozen bullets to take him down. Apparently we live in a world where a black guy is a bigger threat than a couple of white Nazis. This really is a "virtual nightmare!"

If taking down those dangerous black folks isn't enough of a selling point for you, then perhaps those teeny tiny pictures will solidify your purchase. More Weapons, more mayhem, and yes, more fun ... why? Because they've completely taken out Nazis, a group of killers who shut the fun off every step of the way! If you still need convincing then perhaps it's time for you to check out that quote, "One of the first truly original games to come along on the SNES in a long time." You bet it's original, there isn't another game like it ... unless you consider Doom, or ...

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