Nyko Extreme Accessories for Consoles - Advertisement Review

I'm sure this isn't what they intended, but doesn't this Nyko commercial make it look like they are making accessories for people with Down Syndrome?? They say it's ending "sensory deprivation," but I think they are just referencing Corky on Life Goes On! I don't want to alienate our readers afflicted with Down Syndrome, but let's be clear that this kind of advertising does nothing for Nyko or their Game Boy Advance products.

But as much as I would like to dwell on the poor kid in the picture, I have to note that these products may not be as useful as they appear. For example, let's talk about the Worm Light Plus, the product on the right side of the advert. I suppose the idea of having a little light you can move is a good one (especially with the Game Boy Advance being so dark and hard to see), but can't we do it without the product taking up part of the screen? That picture suggests that the accessory blocks a good chunk of the middle which might be kind of annoying if you are trying to see everything. And then there's the Super Magni-Light which looks more like the Pope Mobile at a high school football game.

Of course, the silliest part of this advertisement has to be the Shock 'N' Rock, a device that adds "stereo sound and vibration feedback". Yeah, that's JUST what we need in our hand held something, something that fights our grip. And was there really anybody out there looking to make their Game Boy Advance music louder? It's not like this is a PSP and pushing forth licensed music and CD-quality sound ... we're talking about the Game Boy Advance! With all these negatives you have to wonder what Nyko was thinking.

FROM: Curb Your Bad Advertising