STD Handy Boy - Advertisement Review

By now I think just about everybody is getting sick and tired of the STD jokes; it's low-lying fruit, entirely too easy to poke fun of (no pun intended). So no matter how tempting it is, for this Handy Boy review I'm going to deny myself the satisfaction of trying to compare the accessory maker with VD (and I don't mean Valentines Day). Thankfully the name STD is the least funny part of this terrible commercial, and I think you'll agree with the time I'm done ripping it apart.

STD wasn't going to settle for making your everyday Game Boy accessory, they decided that they had to go to the extreme and give you the ultimate video game accessory. This add on does almost too many things to talk about here, it's almost easier to talk about the things it doesn't do. For example, it won't make you look cool. It won't help you snag any hot girls. And it's probably not going to fit in your pocket. But it does do one important thing; it adds about 50 pounds to the original black and white Game Boy!

And that's not all; if you're really extreme it doubles as a terrible golf ball tee. "Other Game Boy accessories leave you with nothin' to say," this commercial states. Of course they do, because no matter how big and noticeable you make your add-ons, it's still all about the games. If you're having a good time then there really isn't much to say, you're just content having a good time playing your video game. The Handy Boy, on the other hand, makes you proclaim: "Holy crap! Why is there another portable game system mating with my Game Boy? Get off! Get off!!" Oh the humanity.

FROM: In the Heat of the Bad Advertising