The Combatribes on Super NES - Advertisement Review

Oh fun, we get to start our episode of Commercial Break with a comic strip. There just aren't enough video game advertisements that are in comic strip form ... and perhaps commercials like this are the reason why. It's The Combatribes, a Double Dragon-style brawler for the Super NES that failed to win over critics or consumers back in the early 1990s. And you can see why, this commercial is just painful to experience!

Let me introduce you to Martha Splatterhead, an unfortunately named cyborg that used to be part of the Combatribes' posse. The very first thing out of her mouth is that she's a proud cyborg and that she's a "fabulous babe." Of course she is, if you're going to go about making a cyborg woman you wouldn't make her look like Rosie O'Donnell. Heck no, you give her a double D bra size and legs that go all the way up. Though, why you would name her Martha Splatterhead is beyond me.

Oddly enough it's not her name that is the most interesting part of this advertisement; it's the rag tag gang she has assembled. It's a gang full of your traditional baddies, like an angry bald child molester, some dude with a Mohawk, a guy with a broken beer bottle, and ... wait a second, is that Jack Nicholson as the Joker in the original Tim Burton Batman?? Oh come on, how am I supposed to take this cartoon seriously if you have the Joker as one of the bosses? Forget it, I'm done with you, it's time to move on!!

FROM: Talk Sex with Bad Advertising