Defunct Games FAQ: Cyril Explains It All

College student Teddy had a lot of questions for Cyril, unfortunately we couldn't print any of them!
In these confusing times it's common to have questions, but most magazines are too afraid to answer them. They just report the news, rarely passing judgment or showing people the right way to feel about the story. They are too afraid of looking biased and potentially losing sales. But Defunct Games doesn't care about that. Defunct Games already has far less readers than Electronic Gaming Monthly, IGN, or GameSpot, but we don't care. All we want to do is program your mind so we have an army of Defunct soldiers ... or something like that.

In truth, we just want to give you the information and make up your mind for you. After all, you have questions, so it only makes sense for us to have the answers. In an effort to better serve our readers, I have selected 12 questions I know you're dying to know the answers to. We've mulled over the questions, weighed all the options, and come up with long, comprehensive reasons for why we answered the way we did. This is the article that will prove that Defunct Games is one-stop shopping for all kinds of information, and any kind of question you need answered!

It's easy to just say you have all the answers, but today Defunct Games is going to put that to the test. We're going to prove once and for all that we have all the answers, and if we don't, we're going to lie our butts off and convince you we do! We're not here to skirt the issue, we're not sweeping anything under the rug, we're going to tell it like it is. So if you think you're ready, you need to click the link below and read our first two questions.