SENSEs: Midnight Reviewed by Cyril Lachel on . SENSEs: Midnight is a throwback to a time when survival horror was all about using tank controls to outrun ghouls and ghosts. This updated remix on the formula sees a young girl live-stream herself entering a haunted park in the middle of the night. Things do not go well, which both delights and horrifies her hyper-active chatroom. That’s a cool gimmick for a horror game, but the potential is undermined by a short adventure that ends right as it’s starting to pick up speed. Other issues involve a frustrating inventory system, easily avoidable ghosts and a park that is so small that you’ll be sick of backtracking within the first few minutes. It’s a bit of a mess, but ghost-hunting is way more fun than watching somebody spend the afternoon sitting in a kiddie pool. Rating: 57%