Maniac Reviewed by Cyril Lachel on . Maniac takes everything great about Grand Theft Auto and mixes it with the fast-paced action found in Vampire Survivors to create one of the most outrageous games of the year. This game excels because of the incredibly varied and well-crafted open-world sandbox, giving you new locations to explore and all kinds of things to dodge. You’ll quickly transform into a superhero as you buy upgrades and replay the twenty-minute-long mission over and over again, leading to some of the most explosive action this side of a Michael Bay movie. Sure, it can get a little repetitive and it probably won’t tide you over until Grand Theft Auto VI, but Maniac is an instantly likable action game with tons of personality and a leveling-up loop that will keep you addicted for a long time to come. Maniac is easily worth five-dollars. Rating: 78%