Chains of Fury: Vol. 1 Reviewed by Cyril Lachel on . The spirit of Duke Nukem 3D is strong in the new game Chains of Fury, a throwback first-person shooter inspired by everything from Lobo to XIII to Hellboy. This first volume gives us eight fast-paced levels full of twitch shooting and two-dimensional bad guys. It has stylish cel-shaded graphics and enough guts and gore to satisfy anybody’s bloodthirst. Unfortunately, all of this potential is completely undone by a laundry list of technical bugs and glitches. From loading without sound to freezing to falling right through the level, this game is busted, and that’s before you get to the dubious way the game is advertised. There are moments when Chains of Fury really shines, but it’s hard to recommend something that has this many game-breaking bugs. Rating: 57%