Atari 50: The First Console War Reviewed by Cyril Lachel on . Now that we’ve looked at the Wider World of Atari, Digital Eclipse returns with an Atari 50 expansion pack that chronicles the very first console war. Through interviews, archival footage and a bunch of games, we see the VCS battle Mattel’s Intellivision, a more powerful piece of hardware from a fierce competitor. While not as flashy as the main game, this expansion offers a surprisingly great selection of games, including real stand-outs like HardBall, Antbear, Dark Cavern and Frogs & Flies. While I have a few small issues with the presentation and lack of additional Lynx and Jaguar games, none of this should overshadow what could very well be the final chapter in one of the greatest video game compilations of all time. Rating: 71%