Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 is the newest PlayStation Network game from Capcom. Developed by Backbone Entertainment, Wolf of the Battlefield is the third installment in
the 23 year old Commando franchise (which also includes 1990's MERCS). While not a perfect game, Capcom's newest outing is vast improvement over their last PSN title,
Rocketmen: Axis of Evil.
In a nutshell, Commando 3 is a nostalgic trip to an over-the-top battlefield where the player (or players) is coerced forward by the promise of a higher score, bigger gun, and
even more targets to mow down. The story to the game, while a bit lightly implemented, provides ample backdrop for the eventual mass execution that follows the game's opening.
The player takes the reins of one of three characters (none of which are Bill and Lance), each complete with their own individual statistics and even a light bio (think action
movie hero archetypes). Following this, the player is thrust into a world where everyone and everything wants his head, and the only thing preventing them from taking it are
his wits, and an endless supply of ammunition.

If this sounds like fun to you, there's a good chance you'll enjoy Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3. For your hard earned money you get 5 unique stages with several
difficulty levels. The game is the perfect length for a fun evening with a friend, and thanks to the difficulty scaling fairly well, the game does an amicable job of not
alienating any specific demographic.
Level design has never been the focus in this genre, but this in this area Commando 3 really shines. The character and stage art are appropriately chosen and give each of the
characters a bit more personality than a typical sprite map (no offense Red Guy and Blue Guy). The character's movements are fairly fluid, and aside from one instance, the
animations look great. The stages themselves are often cluttered with doodads, some destructible, some solid as a rock. These objects help give the levels a bit more life,
even if all you're doing is blowing through them on a tank or a 2-ton. It's also worth noting that the game doesn't simply have you move up, as one of the areas requires a
small amount of backtracking to move onto the next objective.
The enemy design, both aesthetically and mechanically, is also decently well put together considering the limitations of two dimensions. While on earlier stages and easier
difficulties you can plow through them, often thanks to some hesitation on their part; the game's hardest difficulty (aptly titled "Suicide Mission") causes bullets and grenades
to rain down on you from all angles. While the difficulty may pale in comparison to some of the classic shooters of yesteryear, the amount of pattern memorization needed in the
later stages is definitely something you don't find often in today's games.

Slaying enemy after enemy can get old after a while, but luckily Commando 3 does contain quite a few different means to ending the unending onslaught against you. While you
start with a simple rapid fire machine gun, the game also offers a spread gun, flame thrower and a rocket launcher. Each one has different levels of potency depending on how
many power ups you've accumulated, and each gun has its own applications. One pitfall that shooters of this variety would occasionally fall into was making one weapon obviously
better than others, and thankfully this doesn't seem to occur here. While not massive by any means, the arsenal provided is sufficient for your henchmen eliminating needs.
The only real complaint I can find is the game's length. Despite the multiple difficulty settings, it still feels as though five stages just isn't enough destruction to really
sink your teeth into. The variety in the level design, as well as the surprisingly well hidden secrets, do extend the replay value a bit. Also, if you're into shooting for the
high score (which is a typical attraction for those interested in this genre) the game offers a rather addictive scoring component wherein you are awarded a score multiplier as
long as you can keep outrunning the bullets/grenades/rockets flying at you. While keeping this multiplier isn't necessary, it can get pretty ridiculous during long streaks.
Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3, while a short ride, is also a very fun one. The game handles well, including the vehicles, and still provides the same addicting gameplay
its forerunners did during their heyday. If you've got a friend on the PSN (or on LIVE) and you've got an evening to kill, Commando is here for your gaming enjoyment.