Great Golf by Sega - Cover Review

Fans of the Master System already know that some of Sega's early covers left a lot to be desired. They often featured only one character, bad artwork, and completely generic names. But those same fans will argue that it's not about what the box art looks like, it's about how good the game inside was. While that's probably true, it's hard to even want to play a game like Great Golf when you see a cover like this. This is the type of cover that makes you wonder if Sega was even serious about selling video games. Great Golf has to be the worst name for a golf game ever. Well, it is if you don't count Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf. Or Ninja Golf. Or the generically titled, Golf on the NES. Oh never mind, maybe Great Golf isn't that bad of a name after all. But it's not the name I care to discuss here, it's this terrible cover art that isn't about to attract new gamers to the 8-Bit Master System. The name of the game is Great Golf, yet the picture shows the player completely missing the golf ball. The only thing flying in this picture is the divot you accidentally hit while swinging at the ball. If you can't even hit the ball on the front cover, then how great can this Great Golf actually be? You might as well call this game Learning Golf or No Skills Golf. I'm all for simplicity in game boxes, but if you're going to feature only one thing, shouldn't you make it something good? When I look at a game like this I realize how hard it must be to actually hit that tiny ball. No other golf video game ever made this mistake again, which may be why we remember those games.