Quartet by Sega - Cover Review

Here we are with yet another "classic" Master System cover. Like Great Golf, Quartet features a rather simple design that does very little to get you to want the game (or system, for that matter). All we see here are two characters (a bald man and a woman with red hair) shooting at something. I'm not entirely sure what that is that they are shooting at, perhaps a generator or a push cart or a pi?ata. Hmm, what is that thing? And why are they so interested in shooting it? It doesn't appear to be shooing back, unless you count that confetti surrounding it. Wait, confetti? I guess it really is a pi?ata after all! But who cares about that thing in the middle, what I care about is the misinformation found right on the cover. The title of this game is Quartet, yet it clearly states that it's for one or two players. Even the cover only shows two people. Yet we're supposed to believe this is a quartet? Perhaps Duo would have been a more appropriate title. Or maybe even Solo, since you won't always have a second person to play with. Or if you don't want to go that route, what about Partners? Or Friends? Anything but Quartet. Talk about a misleading!