Burning Fight by SNK - Cover Review

Thanks to my extensive research, I can tell you that a real life burning fight lasts only a few seconds. It all really ends when one guy is too afraid to get closed to somebody on fire and the other guy stops, drops and rolls. But I guess this Neo Geo isn't supposed to be taken literally, instead Burning Fight is just a snappy name that SNK can use to sell people on yet another Street Fighter clone. But this fighter offers something different; it's more than just another brawler. This fighting game features a man with a fairly obvious camel toe. I bet you didn't even think a man could have a camel toe, but this cover art clearly proves you wrong. Perhaps that's why this long-haired loser with the muscle tee is beating him up. Then again, there has to be a more compelling reason to fight a guy than a camel toe, that one seems like it might be a little tough to explain to the police, friends and family.

But I can get over the tight pants thing, I'm more concerned about everything in the background. Like, what the hell is that clown-looking freak with the dunce hat doing up next to the "F" in Burning Fight? And why does this box art advertise Coke? I would also like to know why it looks like there's an explosion, yet it's in the distance and obstructed by somebody's head. This is supposed to be "Burning" Fight, right? And then there's the traditional Ryu-esque shirtless dude punching the camera. It looks more like he's going for a friendly fist bump than some testosterone fueled fight. Actually, now that I look this over I realize that I really don't care. I just want these guys to put their shirts back on and go help put out that fire. I mean, if the fire spreads too far it might take out that Coke sign, and then who's going to sponsor your stupid little Burning Fight?