Kids on Site by Digital Pictures - Cover Review

I can't think of a worse idea than letting a bunch of kids loose on a construction site. Sure, kids love playing on big pieces of machinery, but nobody wants a bunch of snot-nosed kids hanging around getting in the way when all you want to do is dig holes, lay down foundation and get this stupid building built! It's bad enough that they won't shut up about the idiotic things that interest them, now we have to put up with them annoying us as we do our manual labor? You don't see me going to your school and talking to you about foreign movies, politics and alcoholism do you? Those are the things that interest me, but I have a hunch you would ask me to leave after I explain the convoluted mating habits of the average American male. Now that I think of it, that would probably make for a more enjoyable video game, we could call it: Adults At School!

Getting past the obvious stupidity of the product, this Kids on Site cover is simply horrendous. When your game is "100% full motion interactive video" (as the box reads) you have to make sure that your actors are at least compelling. You wouldn't watch America's Next Top Model if everybody was overweight and had a uncontrollable drooling problem. And that's the problem we have here, none of these actors compel me to want to play this game. In fact, the only thing I like about this cover is the girl who looks like she's about to blow something up. Hopefully it's the rest of this box art, because Digital Pictures definitely needs to start over from scratch. And then there's the little problem that this is part of the Sega Club. As they say, you don't want to be involved in a club that will have you as a member ... and in this case, it really looks like they are just pulling people off the street begging them to join. Save your dignity guys, because I would rather not know anybody who is a card carrying member of the Sega Club. If that describes you then do me a favor and don't email, call, write or approach me.