Krazy Kreatures by American Video - Cover Review

When I see a cover like this the first thing I look for is a disclaimer that lets me know that no animals were hurt in the making of this box art. Unfortunately I do not see such a sticker anywhere on this box, so all I can do is hope for the best (and not show it to any of the nearby animals). There's two schools of thought when it comes to a cover like this, either you like it because it will get your attention when it's on the shelf, or you hate it because the bright pink burns your eyeballs and keeps you from being able to see anything else. The good news is that if the sun ever burns out we can send this cover into the sky as a replacement.

But let's not get sidetracked, this cover is not here because it's bright and has more spelling errors than an official statement from Lindsay Lohan, Krazy Kreatures is here because of the characters on the front of the box. Ever wonder what your cats would look like if they had their faces up against a glass window during a nuclear explosion? Somehow I have a hunch that this would be the result. I can just see it, fifty years into the future documentaries would be made showing the tragic results of atomic energy as a weapon and this cover will show up. Just thinking about it makes me sick; those poor animals never had a chance. This would be the moment in our show when the sad violin music starts playing and everybody in the theater stars tearing up ... unfortunately we don't have the money for anything that extravagant. And apparently American Video Entertainment didn't have the money to create a less freaky cover.