Steg the Slug by Code Masters - Cover Review

I think it's safe to say that Code Masters really knew what their audience wanted. While other companies were busy making their games go as fast as possible thanks to "blast processing," Code Masters decided to go the exact opposite direction. Instead of developing a platformer that was faster than anything on Earth, Amiga owners got the slowest animal on the planet - the slug. Not only are slugs slow and boring, but they are also extremely disgusting and leave a trail of slime wherever they go. If it wasn't for the convincing cover art to your left you would probably never believe that somebody was stupid enough to create a game starring a slug, but there it is for the world to see. Steg the Slug is proof that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

After I got over my distaste for the very idea of a slug-based action game, I started to look at this cover and see it for what it is. Based on the cover art alone it looks like this game is all about a slow moving character fighting other small (and gross) characters with guns. Wait a second, those aren't just small characters ... those are gun wielding maggots! Oh goodness, can this cover get any more disgusting? Yes, yes it can. Maybe it's just my imagination, but it looks like our hero (the slug) is going to slowly move over what appears to be ... um ... human ejaculate. Hmm, that can't be right. But what else would it be? Oh man, just salt this guy and get the embarrassment over with. I know I should be moving on and doing my best to get this cover out of my head, but can somebody explain to me what exactly the scuba gear is for? No really, what does a slug need with scuba gear?