Queens of Queens by NEC - Cover Review

For a lot of American men there is nothing sexier than an Asian woman, there's something intriguing and cute about the look and style of these women. Oh, I'm sure I'll get plenty of angry emails telling me that it's only a stereotype and that I'm racist, but I'm clearly not the only white man to understand the allure of Asian women (just look at James Bond, Woody Allen, and John Lennon). But Queen of Queens, a game for the NEC PC-FX system, is one game that is here to show us that not all Asian women are the petite and sexy kittens we think of, some of them are large man-sized creatures with way too much face paint.

This cover confuses me, it's almost like it's a before (the girls at the top of the screen) and after (the girls they become before they start wrestling) picture. Those girls at the top of the box look like they just got done preparing for the Ice Capades, what with their beautiful outfits and sexy make up. But it's hard to pay too much attention to these beauties when most of the box is made up of the plus-sized group of fighting women we see at the bottom. For one thing the make up doesn't help. It would be unfair of me to simply pick on the two women with giant art pieces on their face, so I will address the one that troubles me the most: the blonde with blue lipstick. Whoever said that blue was a good color for the lips should be taken out back and shot; it's like the Smurf version of the Goth look. And then there's the girl in black who looks like she's shocked that somebody is taking a picture of her. In fact, both girls on the right look kind of shocked. The only one that looks comfortable is the woman in the middle, the one you really don't want to get on the wrong side of. Ah well, at least the Queen of Queens is still better than the King of Queens!