Something about Harvest Moon?!

A lot has changed since the last time we featured an episode of the Cover Critic. Both Sony and Nintendo have released new portable game systems, long time companies have shut their doors forever, and the world has been reintroduced to a certain lawyer named Jack Thompson. Heck, even this site you're looking at has changed in many ways. So maybe it's time we take another serious look at video game covers, letting you know which ones we like and which we hate. After two years I invite you to embrace a brand new Cover Critic, one that isn't afraidto tell you what we really think. So enjoy five new covers and one new look!

Mark of the Wolves
Hey look ... Mark of the Wolves is finally here (shipped Nov 20th), and if you've already read our review, then take a look at this cover!! Not only is it cool looking, but it also comes cheap ($30). I think I would have chosen a different color than yellow for the background, but the rest of the cover looks super. I also like that they kept the Japanese text and artwork. Mark of the Wolves is a great looking cover!!

Kabuki Warriors
Hey, this isn't so bad. The face paint design works perfectly for this kind of box, and the pictures in the background are hard to make out and subdude ... PERFECT!!! Even the logo looks good ... this is a good looking cover. It stands out, and has an extremely dramatic tone. Great looking cover.

Frequency? Frequency? Isn't that a lame Dennis Quaid movie that was about as realistic as Lara Croft's breasts?!? Hmm ... this PlayStation 2 beat game has a party look on the cover, but does not make me excited about playing it at all. A quick look at the pictures on the back only make you confused about what kind of game it is. Good art, but the subject is boring. If you're going to sell a music game, you've got to make it look more exciting!!

Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles
Now ... I don't want to just randomly bitch, but if you look closely you'll see Samuel L. Jackson front and center. How long was Sam Jackson actually IN Star Wars Episode I, anyway? It didn't seem like more than a few seconds ... now he's front and center?!? Otherwise this cover is alright, it lacks the dramatic feel of Star Wars, but keeps the light saber battle scene. I like the light saber, I like the light saber battles ... but could you be any more cliche?

Harvest Moon
Well ... what can you say about a cover like Harvest Moon. When I first heard the name I thought about Neil Young, for obvious reasons. But now the box is here and I worry that it really is a farming game. All kidding behind, Harvest Moon makes manual labor look about as interesting as it really is. This isn't a bad cover, it's just lackluster, and looks like Winnie the Poo should be somewhere. Sometimes a cover can be a little TOO sentimental. So, maybe it's time to call this cover critic done.