Casino vs. Amusement Park: Which SimCity Attraction is Best?

Welcome to a brand new episode of Defunct Games Decides, the show that isn't afraid to get to the bottom of classic video game arguments. Today we're going to solve one of SimCity's most controversial debates. City planning and mayoral duties often require you to choose the option that is best for your municipality and its citizens. While you can't please everyone all the time, you have been elected to decide what you feel is best for your city. In Maxis' 1991 Super NES hit SimCity; it is up to you to decide between building a revenue generating casino, or a more family-friendly amusement park. Which one is the best choice? Read on to find out how Josh Despain casts his vote in this episode of Defunct Games Decides.
SimCity: Casino vs. Amusement Park

CASINO: Screaming children and higher insurance rates? Do those sound like fun? We don't think so either. If you would rather just sit back and collect money hand over fist, then building a casino for your fine city is the best way to go. No more costly maintenance fees to worry about, simply let us do all the work while you sit back and collect a cut of the profits. Yes, a casino is a great way to boost tourism, and promote all that your wonderful city has to offer. Don't gamble away your city's future, build a casino today!

AMUSEMENT PARK: Are you tired of spending your money fighting crime? Would you rather spend a quality weekend day with your family eating cotton candy and riding roller coasters, or would you rather lose all your money in a sleazy smoke-filled casino? It's time to take a bite out of crime, and fight back. Show the world that your city is a family-friendly destination, and that crime doesn't pay. Build an amusement park today and get ready to have some fun with your family and friends. Show the youth of today that you're still hip and in touch with their generation.

VERDICT: As with any decision you make as the mayor of SimCity, you'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't. So take the easy road to money and build a casino. Oh sure, it comes with an increase in crime, but that problem can be fixed by building a slew of police stations right next door. Besides, if it doesn't work out, you can always bulldoze it and build parks until the offer for an amusement park comes around again. Cha-ching!

Do you agree? Let me know in the comments section. And don't forget to follow Defunct Games on Twitter and recommend future debates to be resolved on Defunct Games Decides!