DG NEWS: Fable, Forza and Halo Announced at Xbox Series X Presser

If it's Sunday, then it's Defunct Games News! Join host Lorne Riseley as he recaps not one but two massive game reveals, including Ubisoft's press conference and Microsoft's look at the Xbox Series X lineup. He'll also go into detail on the new Mortal Kombat movie, the Gamer Girl controversy and more. This is an episode packed with new game announcements and twitter outrage, so there's no time to spare. All this can be yours in this week's episode of Defunct Games News!

ABOUT THE HOST: Lorne Riseley is a respected game critic and newshound who has spent the last few years building up The Halcyon Show on YouTube. He hosts new episodes of Defunct Games News every Sunday, as well as participates in many of the Defunct Games quizzes and podcasts.

And while you're just clicking on stuff at random, I suggest you head over to the Defunct Games YouTube page and subscribe to the channel. We're posting new episodes of Defunct Games News every Sunday, along with brand new episodes of Game Over: The Early Years on Mondays and reviews throughout the week.