Electronic Gaming Monthly's Top 16 Renovation Games

A few weeks ago, we posted a countdown looking at Working Designs' best and worst games, and the response was near unanimous – everybody wanted to see how Renovation would fair. This, of course, was the short-lived (but much-loved) publisher that brought many of Telenet and Wolf Team's games to the United States, and they were a personal favorite of mine when I was growing up. But what about Electronic Gaming Monthly? Did they have a favorite Renovation game?

As it turns out, EGM reviewed a total of sixteen Renovation games between 1989 and 1993, including classic shoot ‘em ups, animated FMV games and action-packed side-scrollers. This is a truly eclectic list of titles, including a couple that were canceled before coming to America ... but not before the EGM editors had their say. What we're going to do today is countdown Renovation's best and worst games using nothing more than Electronic Gaming Monthly's own words and scores. There's no editorializing here, we're going to focus on what the critics said back when these games first came out. So, be on the lookout for slime, ninjas and 1920s gangsters, because this is what happens when EGM Rank Renovation.

Final Zone (Genesis)
“Final Zone just didn't get my juices flowin' or my guns blowin' the way I thought it would. The graphics have a strange and dingy look to them, and the gameplay, while very intense, gets repetitive after just a short while. Definitely not my cup of shooter tea!” (4.5 out of 10)
Dream Probe (Super NES)
“At first glance, Dream Probe sounds interesting, and the graphics seem calm and pleasant. Once you get into the game, the constant flickering and slow-down get very annoying, and the music never changes between levels! The action moves too slow, and you can power-up so easily that the challenge just isn't there.” (5.25 out of 10)
Todd's Adventure in Slime World (Genesis)
“Being a fan of the Lynx version, this cart had a lot to live up to. The graphics are very good and the animation is still smooth and the slime is very fluid. The gameplay has lost a lot of its original control and this severely affects the enjoyability. The sound needs a little reworking, as it can get annoying.” (6.25 out of 10)
Arrow Flash (Genesis)
“Not bad! Arrow Flash isn't as intense as Thunder Force 3, but the graphics and music are really good! The main problem with this game is that it is too easy; enemies do not fire enough and the end bosses don't last very long. Fortunately, the game does pick up a little in later rounds.” (6.25 out of 10)
Earnest Evans (Genesis)
“While I love the manner in which the lead character moves, those same attributes make the game difficult to control in areas. It has a nice combination of graphics, unknown paths and whip ‘em out action, but none of its individual characteristics saves it from being slightly above average all around.” (6.25 out of 10)
Whip Rush (Genesis)
“Whip Rush comes close, but in the end it simply misses the mark. The main ship controls in an awkward fashion that makes it difficult to fight in two directions. The game has all the expected bosses and backgrounds, but they just don't have the crisp edge.” (6.25 out of 10)
Revenge of the Ninja (Sega CD)
“Essentially a Dragon's Lair-type action game, this is more a treat to watch than to play. The game could provide a few more continues, and your skills will rely more on memorization than anything else. Nice animation though.” (6.4 out of 10)
Arcus Odyssey (Genesis)
“Arcus Odyssey is a little frustrating at first, but the gameplay becomes better as you go along. It's not a spectacular game, but it reminds me of the cool shooter, Elemental Master for the Mega Drive. The 3D perspective here doesn't help the game, but it adds a touch of style.” (6.75 out of 10)
Arcus Odyssey (Super NES)
“Previously a Genesis game, this has an interesting perspective and enough characters to keep things interesting. It is basically like Gauntlet with its arcade-style action, so fans of that game may want to quest this one out.” (7 out of 10)
Road Avenger (Sega CD)
“CD games are coming back with a vengeance! Road Avenger is yet another preview of what the Sega CD is capable of doing. While the control is horrible, the graphics are excellent – something the early titles have lacked. This is the type of game I'd like to see more of, with a greatly improved interface.” (7.25 out of 10)
Time Gal (Sega CD)
“Time Gal is a good follow-up to Road Avenger and Cobra Command. Although the earlier levels are quite easy as you have a fair amount of time to react to the on-screen prompt. This reaction time gets shorter and shorter as you move up in the game, making it much more challenging. Great backgrounds!” (7.5 out of 10)
Sol-Deace (Genesis)
“This shooter has intensity; I will give it that. The graphics are excellent, the music can jam a little, and the control is way above average for shooters. All in all, Sol-Deace is a really well-rounded game, solid through-and-through. It is not the best, but possibly a contender. One question: Why the name change, really??” (7.75 out of 10)
El Viento (Genesis)
“El Viento has got one of the greatest combinations of hot graphics and play action I've seen in some time. While the theme is straight side-scrolling, the action is presented with smooth animations, plenty of risk incentive and more than enough challenge. A winner in my book.” (7.75 out of 10)
Valis III (Genesis)
“Leave it to Renovation to pick great games. Valis III has the perfect mix of challenge, gameplay, length, difficulty and action. Throw in very good graphics and interesting intermissions and this is one of the few 8-meg games that is worth the higher price.” (7.75 out of 10)
Granada (Genesis)
“Granada is a big surprise, it looks like just another shooter, but it requires a lot of technique to master. Great graphics and excellent sound and a purpose to each level, instead of mindless shooting. Granada features plenty of action and challenge and totally cool bosses.” (8 out of 10)
Gaiares (Genesis)
“Games just don't get any better than this. The graphics, gameplay, challenge level, sound ... everything is about the best ever in a Genesis cart. The bosses have to be seen to be believed, if you can get to them! Not easy, but not frustrating. Spectacular!” (8.75 out of 10)