Hardcore Gamer Magazine #22: The Heist

Cover Story: This is the issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine that changes everything. Okay, maybe not EVERYTHING. But they do have an exclusive first look at The Heist, the mysterious new Codemasters game coming to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3! Find out just what makes this game so special and why the developers at InXile decided to give HGM the exclusive look at this upcoming action game!

Reviews: God of War II, Def Jam Icon, Call of Duty: Roads to Victory, Motorstorm, Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, Ghost Rider, Bullet Witch and much more!

Special Features: This month's Hardcore Gamer Magazine has all the usual goodness, including a look at the arcade scene, import reviews, fan art and much more. This issue also contains the first information about Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles, a feature on Ports Gone Wrong, and an exclusive look at Warhammer: Age of Reckoning!