Hardcore Gamer Magazine #28: Kane & Lynch

Cover Story: You know how sometimes Hardcore Gamer Magazine has high rating games on the cover? Well, kiss that tradition goodbye. Instead we have Kane & Lynch, the game that got Jeff Gerstmann fired from GameSpot. Oh wait; this is the past, that hasn't happened yet. Yikes. Um, well, forget you heard me say that. No, actually, maybe you should just take that as a prediction. Come back to this site in a few weeks and you'll see that I was right ... and the first person to predict it. See, that's why Defunct Games rocks! Oh, and Hardcore Gamer Magazine rocks, too ... but not as hard as my amazingly accurate prediction!

Reviews: Heavenly Sword, Blue Dragon, Guilty Gear XX, Project Sylpheed: Arc of Deception, Soul Nomad, Wild Arms 5, Picross DS, Smash Court Tennis 3 and many more exciting titles!

Special Features: On top of the super amazing Kane & Lynch feature, HGM also travels to the CGE2K7 event. Y'know, the same event Defunct Games went to. Yeah, well, they went as well. Just like they are going to go to PAX. Oh my god, look at that, another amazingly accurate prediction. I need to stop right now before I go crazy. By the way, in the future the Democrats will pick a young black man and the Republicans will choose an old white guy. That's a prediction you can count on. No, really. That's going to happen. Ah, suit yourself; you'll see what I mean soon enough.