Hardcore Gaming Monthly #3: Serious Sam II

Cover Story: Forget Halo, Killzone, Unreal Tournament and all of those other popular first-person shooters, the FPS game you should be excited about is Serious Sam II! This comedy-based first-person shooter is a breath of fresh air when compared to all of the other deathly serious shooters on the market. Sam may be killing thousands of aliens, but at least he has a sense of humor about it. Learn all about this newest Serious Sam game when you read the third episode of Hardcore Gamer Magazine!

Reviews: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Sid Meier's Pirates!, Killer 7, Bomberman, Fantastic 4, Coded Arms, Capcom Fighting Evolution, Batman Begins, and more!

Special Features: This month's Hardcore Gamer Magazine has all the usual goodness, including a look at the arcade scene, import reviews, fan art and much more!