Hardcore Gamer Magazine #32: Metal Gear Solid 4

Cover Story: This month's issue is all about Metal Gear Solid 4, the biggest game to hit the PlayStation 3. Featuring a full 18 pages of Metal Gear Solid content, HGM offers you everything you could possibly want to know about Hideo Kojima's newest masterpiece. Well, maybe not everything, this issue does not feature a review, which you can find on pretty much every major game site under the sun right now. Either way, if you're a fan of Solid Snake (or Liquid Snake, Naked Snake, etc.) then you owe it to yourself to read what HGM has to say about this PlayStation 3 exclusive.

Reviews: In this quarter's issue of Hardcore Gamer Magazine the staff looks at Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit (Xbox 360) and, well, actually that's all they reviewed. Is it just my imagination or has HGM's review section really gone downhill? Thankfully you can find more reviews over at their website.

Special Features: Who would have thought that a game magazine would come out and actually suggest drugs? But that's exactly what Hardcore Gamer Magazine did when they wrote an article called "Drugs For Gamers". And that's not all; in this issue they teach you how to play MMOs for free. There's also the usual crap (including a page on retro gaming). This may be a short issue, but there's still plenty of cool content worth checking out.