GamePro Readers Choice Awards 1992

This weekend brings us the 92nd Academy Awards, and while I'm not a huge fan of awards shows, I have to admit that I genuinely love the Oscars. Sure, they make a lot of boneheaded decisions and the hosts are sometimes disappointing, but I grew up watching them and still look forward to see what happens. One thing I've always wanted to do is vote at the Oscars, but seeing as I've never made a movie, worked in Hollywood or been nominated for any awards, it seems my chances are pretty slim. With that dream squashed, I figured I would do the next best thing -- vote for the GamePro Reader's Choice Awards.

Okay, so maybe that's not the next best thing, but it's exactly what I'm going to do today. I've pulled out this ballot from the November 1992 issue of GamePro magazine that wanted me to vote on the best games of the year. I didn't do it back in the day, but it's better late than never, right? Join me as I go through all eleven categories and pick the absolute best games of 1992.

And while you're just clicking on stuff at random, I suggest you head over to the Defunct Games YouTube page and subscribe to the channel. We're posting new episodes of Game Over: The Early Years every Monday, along with brand new game reviews throughout the week.