Take the Video Game Aptitude Test from 1999 (Part 2)

Cyril Lachel is back for the second episode of the VGAT: Video Game Aptitude Test, a grueling 160 question quiz first published in the December 1999 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly. This trivia contest will have you matching, identifying and answering multiple choice questions, featuring a bunch of Castlevania games, the Konami code, game developers, Virtua Fighter, silhouettes, old school shooters and a lot more.

In this second (of three) episodes, we'll cover questions 46 through 105. Will you be able to outscore Cyril and become the true video game expert? Take the second part of the Video Game Aptitude Test and find out!

If you somehow missed the first episode, don't forget to go back and take Part 1. Everybody else should move on to the see the epic conclusion with Part 3!

ABOUT THE HOST: Lorne Riseley is a respected game critic and newshound who has spent the last few years building up The Halcyon Show on YouTube. He hosts new episodes of Defunct Games News every Sunday, as well as participates in many of the Defunct Games quizzes and podcasts.

And while you're just clicking on stuff at random, I suggest you head over to the Defunct Games YouTube page and subscribe to the channel. We're posting new episodes of Defunct Games News every Sunday, along with brand new episodes of Game Over: The Early Years on Mondays and reviews throughout the week.